Sample from
Communications with Galia
The World of the Soul
Ima (mother): When does the soul
enter the body? Is it be-
fore birth?
Galia: It enters the body at
the moment the child
is formed.
Ima: Do souls sleep at night?
Galia: No.
Ima: Does the soul get old?
Galia: No.
Ima: Do souls ever get ill?
Galia: There are soul diseases.
These are spiritual diseases
of the mind and heart for which one needs tikun (rectification).
Ima: Can the souls of
tzaddikim (righteous people) in Gan Eden (Heaven-Paradise) get ill?
Galia: No.
Ima: What makes a soul more
wise or less wise?
Galia: What makes his soul wise
is if he is a servant of
Hashem; then his soul will be healthy and whole and ca-
pable of enjoying the holy light. If he is a tzaddik (righteous) and
a servant of Hashem in this world, then he will get to a
wonderful place in the next world.
Ima: What's this holy light?
Are you allowed to say?
Galia: Hashem. (The Almighty - God)
Ima: Galia, how and why does my
having done teshuva (returned - repented)
help you?
Galia: Because our souls are
linked and therefore, if you
are not whole then I am not whole.
Ima: After death does the soul
have the same character
that it had when it was alive?
Galia: Sure. Ima, the soul does
not have senses like a liv-
ing person, but it feels everything and knows everything
and sees and hears everything.
Ima: Do you have freedom of thought?
Can you think and
do what you want?
Galia: I am a person too. I
have a certain intelligence, and
with that intelligence, I have free choice. But it's not wide-
ranging. It's not possible for me to know what I want, be-
cause Heaven decides what I may know and say and
nothing depends on me. The soul tells the body what to do,
but the body is limited and cannot do what the soul tells it
because it is material and the soul is spiritual. All the same,
souls do not have the ability to make independent deci-
sions. Everything is dictated to it by Heaven. I am like a
soul bound to the will of Heaven.
Ima; Do you communicate with other souls?
Galia: I am never alone. Sometimes I communicate with
children even if they are far off. The soul is not limited by
distance at all.
Ima: Is the soul alone by
itself in Heaven?
Galia: No. It's together with angels.
Ima: When a man comes to this world and completes his
tikun (rectification), does he become a tzaddik?
Galia: Ima, it's not like
that. Even if he completes his
tilcun, he is not exactly a tzaddik, but a soul which has con-
summated itself. There are souls which have consummated
themselves, but aren't tzaddikim.
Ima: Where will they be in Heaven?
Galia: They will get to enter Gan Eden but they will not be
in the area of the tzaddikim.
It's all a matter of the zechus
which each soul has.
Ima: You said that in the
next world, there is only harmony.
There is no loneliness and isolation. But in the next world
you go on living with the same souls who lived in this world,
since in the end, everyone passes on to the next world. So
how do they suddenly change into such good and pleasant
Galia: Ima, you pass on to live with those who are compat-
ible with the particular soul. Every soul lives with the souls
with which they are compatible. This does not always hap-
pen in this world because this world is for a person's tikun.
Ima: Does a person also have
a mother and father in the
next world or is it only in this world?
Galia: Ima, in the next world, Hashem is the only father
any of us have. Only in this world is there such a thing as
mother and father. There they are not one's mother and fa-
ther. There they are souls like all of us and there is no dif-
ference. It is just the opposite. Sometimes, the child is
made up of a bigger soul than his father.
The Soul and Its Tikun
Ima: If Heaven tells the
soul what it's expected to do in this
world to fulfill its purpose here, and the soul wants to go
ahead and do it, but the body doesn't listen to it how can
it achieve its tikun, if the body doesn't listen to it?
Galia: Ima, the soul can
fulfill its mission because it ma-
nipulates the body. Even if it doesn't control it physically, it
directs its thoughts towards its tikun. Everything comes
from the brain, and the brain tells the body what to do, and
then the body does it. That's how the soul controls the
body and tells it what to do.
What about the brain of a
person with mental in-
competence? His brain does not tell its body anything, be-
cause it does not have enough intelligence to tell the body
Galia: Ima, then its
tikun is achieved mainly through its
Ima: Galia, is your soul
more sensitive that that of a per-
son who is unaware of his soul? Could it be that you've got
a very sensitive soul? You cry when you hear sad things.
Are all souls so sensitive like that?
Galia: Ima, my soul is
more sensitive than that of a normal
person and there are other souls like mine which are more
Ima: Is it good to be
sensitive or not? Don't sensitive peo-
ple just get hurt?
Galia: Ima, it is good
only in Heaven, after life. Then the
spiritually sensitive souls are bigger receptors for experi-
encing the pleasures of the eternal and unlimited. They are
big receptacles for all the divine bounty which awaits us in
our eternal life.
Ima: Who tells you what
to say?
Galia: Ima, a bas kol,
the voice of Heaven, tells me what
to tell you.
Ima: Galia, I wanted to tell
you that after I asked someone
for an apology, she rang me up on her own initiative, and
this made me very happy because that's a sign that there is
room for forgiveness in people's hearts.
Galia: I am very happy, Ima.
It's forbidden for a person
to have someone who hasn't forgiven him for something,
because in Heaven, he will be put on trial over this. If
everybody forgave him in this world, he is not tried for
this. It's easier for the soul in the court of Heaven when
everyone has forgiven him.
Otherwise it suffers a great
deal in Heaven.
Ima: All in all, you live in
this world seventy or eighty years.
Could it be that everything you do here is eternal? It seems
to me that life is very short in comparison with all the lim-
itless shefa which you get afterwards for eternity.
Galia: Correct, Ima. This is
the kindness which Hashem
shows us and we don't grasp how this short life gives us the
opportunity to have eternal joy.
Ima: Is the soul of a dead
person allowed to see its relatives
who are alive in this world and assist them? Does it know
what's happening in their lives?
Galia: The soul of someone
who died can see and find out
everything about its relatives. If it has the zechus (merit), it can
help them. It depends on the zechuyos (merits) of the particular
soul. But it is not allowed to communicate with them.
Sometimes it gets permission to appear in a dream.
Ima: What in fact is the
yetzer hatov - the good will and
the yetzer hora - the evil will? Could it be that the soul is
made up of two forces, good and evil, and it has to over-
come the evil and act in accordance with the good?
Galia: Ima, these are in
fact powerful spiritual forces which
everyone has, and during his life, he has to subdue and
overcome the evil in favor of the good. These two forces
vie with each constantly, until the person succeeds in sub-
duing evil or succumbing to it. Obviously, the preferred ob-
jective is to overcome it.
Ima: How do you explain the
fact that you love all the
Jewish people so much and worry about them as much as
you do?
Galia: Ima, I am part of the
collective soul of the Jewish people and that is the explanation of my love for the people. If there is something wrong with a
part of the body, it affects
the whole body. I am part of the soul of the Jewish people
and if something has gone wrong, then I am in pain.
Ima: How does it come to be
that a certain person starts
to think about the world around him and discover the light
and the truth and do teshuva, while it happens to someone
else at a different age and time, if at all? How is it that one
person has the zechus (merit) to do teshuva while someone else
Galia: That is a zechus
which that particular soul has, be it
zechus avos or a zechus from a previous life. For some the
zechus is realized in this world.
Ima: I heard a certain rabbi on the
radio who said that a
man comes to this world with the form and appearance
necessary for him to complete his tikun (rectification) in this world.
What's your opinion?
Galia: Ima, a person comes to
the world in the form he
needs for the tikun that he has to achieve. He is equipped
and supplied appropriately for his tikun, so he can achieve
it without the hindrance of being disadvantaged. Whether
or not he completes that tikun is entirely up to him.
Ima: Once you told me that you
came as a gilgul (reincarnation) to this
world just because of me, to get me to do teshuua. If you
didn't have to get me to do teshuua, would you not have
come in a gilgul?
Galia: I came to the world as a
gilgul only because of you,
because I really wanted to get you to do teshuua. I could
have been rectified in Heaven and in Gehinom; I did not
have to come here. But I knew I would succeed with you.
So I was happy to come, and in doing so, in your zechus,
I have succeeded in adding to my zechuyos. That really
gives me delirious pleasure because I have a zechus in
everything you do. Someone who gets a person to do
teshuva gets all his
zechuyos too. The souls here rectify
the sum total of the collective and while at the same time
rectifying its own individual soul.
Ima: When the soul gets to
Heaven, does it recognize all
its family members who have lived hundreds, even thou-
sands, of years ago?
Galia: Ima, the soul recognizes
everyone. The souls recog-
nize everyone from every generation. It's no problem.
Every soul in Heaven identifies everyone and is happy to
meet them.
Ima: What happens when a man
with the spiritual ability
of a tzaddik comes to the world and goes down a spiritual
level instead of increasing his spiritual level during his life-
time? When he gets to Heaven, do they give him another
opportunity to come here to this world and make good of
the situation in order for him to go up a level again or does
he stay on his low level?
Galia: Ima, he can't come
back every time. He will then
forever remain at the last level he was at, here in this world.
There is no one who knows whether he will come back to
this world or not. Everyone has to make a maximum effort
as though it's his last time here, because it's possible that it
is his last time here. In Heaven, no one is deprived of any-
thing. It's just painful for the souls who could have done
much more in this world and make do with only a little.
Ima: Galia, you tell me that I
succeeded because my sources
are in Torah, mitzvos (comandments) and ma'asim tovim (good
deeds). That reminds
me that Torah, mitzvos and ma'asim tovim is exactly what
you came to rectify in this gilgul (reincarnation), because you didn't give
your children a proper education in those things. Therefore
since I, due to you, fulfill these mitzvos, is it therefore now
reckoned as though you gave your children a proper edu-
cation in Torah, mitzvos and ma'asim touim?
Galia: My dear mother, that's
very true. That's exactly
what my tikun is, that you got to do mitzuos and ma'asim
touim that which I had failed to impart to my children
in my last gilgul.
Ima: Galia, I don't know how
you educated the rest of your
children, but my father, zichrono levracha who was your
son in your last gilgul, was a tzaddik, honest and decent,
and you yourself said he is in Gan Eden. So in what way
did you not bring up your children properly? Or is it that
they are just strict with tzaddikim?
Galia: Ima, both those views
are correct. Hashem is truth
and His judgment is perfect truth and justice. But tzaddikim
are submitted to very exacting judgment based on their ca-
pability because tzadikim have much higher capabilities
than other people.
Ima: What are you allowed to say about
your other half?
[In Kabala, every soul is
divided into two halves and the
halves are sent to the world where they may reunite as
man and wife. Ultimately, they reunite in the next world.]
Galia: My other half is
waiting for me in Heaven. Ima, no
one lives for eternity and at a certain time I will return to
my place of permanence. There my soul won't feel the
heaviness of material substance. It is there that I will be re-
joined with my other half.
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