You can
favorite Jewish
children's books,
each with a sample chapter
or story online at
It is your town,
your reading room.
We hope that you will enjoy coming here and reading great book and story
samples online.
An old and beloved classic.
Five volumes series
by Yocheved Segal.
(Feldheim Pub.)
A wonderful series to own and read again and again.
Helps children learn to read and may also be read to preschoolers.
Our Sages
Showed the Way - Vol.2
Our Sages
Showed the Way - Vol. 3
Our Sages Showed the
Vol. 4
Since we have not included picture books, we do not have a selection of books in the small children category other than the five volume series above. We have links near the bottom of the page to two other sites with Jewish children's books. These two sites have Jewish children's stories and picture book samples online.
The five volume story collection, "Our Sages Showed the Way" were the inspiration for creating this site. This Jewish collection of stories from the Talmud and Midrash inspire children and adults alike. Though the words and the style of the books are deceptively simple, which is the reason the series is in the category of Jewish books for small children, the messages are for all ages.
Our children loved the series. Most of them learned to read fluently from reading the stories in this collection. In school, these books are also loved by children. At home, and in school, the stories stimulate talk and discussion.
To make full use of the books in this series, children should be encouraged to read these stories more than once. Thought, talk, and discussion about the stories in this Jewish story collection from the Talmud and Midrash, will give children a foundation in Jewish ethics and values.
We think that there are stories in this collection that will be interesting to all children, not only to Jewish children, and not only to all children, but also to adults of all nationalities as well.
Following are two links to sites with Jewish children's books for small children,
Tzivos Hashem - a Jewish Children's Club. Tzivos Hashem has information about Jewish Holidays, Jewish picture books, Jewish stories, and story tapes online. They show complete Jewish picture books online from Hachai publishing. They also have online Jewish stories for children in middle grades.
Artscroll/Mesorah - a well known publisher of Jewish books, has Jewish children's picture books with sample stories online. They also have online stories and samples from Jewish books in all categories.
Feldheim - One of the oldest Jewish book publishers in the English language. They publish many Jewish children's books. The beloved Jewish set of books, described on this page, is published by them.
About us-We are a
family living in New York who thought it would be nice to have a Jewish
children's book
site with sample chapters online so that people who don't have easy access
to a variety of favorite Jewish books might be able to browse online. We
also thought that our site might be a service to librarians and Jewish
libraries. Our site is Jewish children's books, but we also have a few teen
books and a few adult Jewish inspirational books.
We are small, but we have included some of the best and others that are
favorites. We hope that you enjoy it here.